Vaginoplasty for the Menopausal Woman
Menopause is a hormonal shift marked by end of menstruation as the ovaries cease to function. This change generally arrives somewhere between the early 40s and the early 60s, with 51 being the average age of menopause. Most women are prepared to experience some frustrating changes during this time, including hot flashes, mood swings, dry skin, and weight fluctuations. A menopausal woman may also experience laxity in her vaginal muscles, decreasing pleasure and contributing to a diminished sex drive.
With age, the body’s production of collagen diminishes. Not only does this cause sagging skin and wrinkles, but the loss of collagen combined with changes during pregnancy and childbirth will cause the muscles of the vagina to lose their elasticity. As vaginal collagen breaks down, sex may be much less enjoyable as the natural friction that enhances satisfaction is gone. This change is frustrating outside of the bedroom, as well. With a loss of vaginal muscle tightness, the bladder can change position slightly, resulting in Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). This can cause embarrassing urine leakage when coughing, sneezing, or laughing.
How vaginoplasty can improve life for the menopausal woman:
A vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that eliminates small areas of stretched vaginal muscles. The vaginal walls are then pulled taut, strengthened and reinforced. The benefits of an outpatient vaginoplasty procedure can make significant changes for a woman in menopause.
Sex is better after a vaginoplasty. Once the vaginal walls are tightened, sensations become stronger and more enjoyable. A woman may find a renewed sense of pleasure with sex, as well as a new sense of confidence in intimate settings.
Additionally, as the vaginal muscles are reinforced, the bladder is once again well supported. This can put an end to stress urinary incontinence. A woman can confidently exercise and laugh with friends without the worry of unexpected leakage. Plus, without the need to wear thick absorbable underwear or an adult diaper, a woman can again wear tight pants and swimwear without fear she will have an ‘accident’.
Women looking for total vaginal rejuvenation can pair their vaginoplasty with a labiaplasty, as well. This will not only tighten the vaginal walls, but labia that have become stretched or misshapen over the years will be trimmed and shaped during the same surgical procedure.
Is there a ‘right time’ to get a vaginoplasty?
The best time for a vaginoplasty all depends on your unique body and your individual concerns. Deciding on a vaginal rejuvenation procedure requires an in-person examination and consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. The vaginoplasty is a very delicate procedure that not every plastic surgeon will have experience with. Be mindful that the doctor you choose should have years of vaginoplasty and vaginal rejuvenation experience. Together, the two of you can discuss your circumstances and determine the right time to move forward with surgery.
Houston’s Dr. Paul Vitenas is a board-certified plastic surgeon with more than 30 years of surgical experience. Throughout his career, Dr. Vitenas has developed his own vaginoplasty technique that is today emulated by surgeons across the United States. This procedure can offer the menopausal woman a chance to safely restore her vagina and get back a sense of pleasure and confidence. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Vitenas by calling Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery at (281) 606-0007.