Kegels vs. the Vaginoplasty: Which is Best For You?
Forget everything you thought you knew about Kegel exercises. It is a common misperception that the Kegel, repeatedly tightening and relaxing the vaginal muscles, can improve the tone of the vagina. This may sound like a great solution, but unfortunately, it is not the case.
The Kegel Rumor:
Kegel exercises made their way to the mainstream conversation in the mid-1960s. The theory behind the exercises is simple. By flexing the muscles in an area, they will grow stronger and more constricted. The problem is that while the Kegel can make an ever-so-small difference in tightness, it is not nearly enough to address the damage that childbirth and age inflict on the vagina.
Why the Vaginoplasty Wins:
The Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to tighten the vaginal muscles. During the outpatient surgery, excess skin/muscle is removed, and the remaining tissues are pulled taut. The procedure will restore a youthful, pre-pregnancy vagina in minutes. Not only will imitate situations feel better; vaginal functions, such as tampon retention, can see an improvement.
The Vaginoplasty Procedure:
- Is performed in the office
- Only requires a local anesthetic
- Can have the option of IV sedation
- Can be combined with other procedures, like the Tummy Tuck
After the Vaginoplasty:
The Vaginoplasty recovery will take about two weeks. Mild to moderate pain can be expected, but Dr. Vitenas will prescribe the necessary pain medications for a comfortable recovery. Normal activities can be picked back up in one to two weeks. Sexual activity, however, should be postponed for six weeks to allow for full healing, and the return of vaginal sensation. The recovery period is a small sacrifice compared to decades of useless Kegel exercises.
Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery is here to help you decide which is better, the Kegel or the Vaginoplasty. Contact our Houston office at (281) 606-0007 for a private Vaginoplasty consultation.