Our Most Common Labiaplasty Recovery Questions
A labiaplasty is a deeply gratifying and effective procedure, in many cases offering ladies a new lease on life. The technique involves sculpting a large or misshapen labia to a more natural, proportionate shape, restoring a woman’s confidence in her appearance. From eliminating the discomfort that comes from long labia rubbing under tight clothes, to a more appealing aesthetic during intimate situations, a labiaplasty can restore confidence in everything you do.
While there is a lot of information available online, considering any surgical procedure can fill a potential patient with concerns. At Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery, we commonly hear the same questions from women who come into the office for a labiaplasty consultation. Hopefully the answers to these questions will be the information you need to get started on your own labiaplasty journey.
1. How much post-op swelling can I expect after my labiaplasty, and how long will it last?
Swelling is common after a labiaplasty, especially during the first several days. Most women will see the swelling peak at two to three days post-op. The swelling will then generally diminish quickly, resolving over the next seven to ten days.
2. Is there any way I can speed up my labiaplasty healing process?
While the healing process can be a little different for everyone, most women can expect recovery from a labiaplasty to take from one to two weeks. It is important to rest for the first several days, avoiding tight clothing, heavy lifting, and vigorous exercise. Cool compresses help reduce any swelling that arises. While the area may remain tender for a few weeks, you can expect your labiaplasty to heal quickly.
3. Will my labiaplasty leave a scar?
While the labiaplasty incisions do result in a very small scar, these are generally well-concealed within the natural folds of tissue. Dr. Vitenas uses a meticulous technique to carefully place the incisions, ensuring that scars are kept to a minimum. Using dissolvable sutures, which fade in three to four weeks, there is less trauma to the area. While the scar tissue may be firm at first, it will begin to soften over the next several months, and fade slightly in color.
4. When can I get back to my normal activities after my labiaplasty surgery?
Giving yourself time to heal after a labiaplasty will ensure the smoothest recovery and best results. Dr. Vitenas will guide you through the process of adding vigorous exercise back into your schedule. Most fitness routines can be resumed in two to four weeks. Sexual intercourse will need to be postponed for six to eight weeks.
Have more labiaplasty questions? Just ask!
If you are giving the labiaplasty procedure serious thought, you are not alone. According to the latest statistics from the American Society for Plastic Surgery (ASPS), more than 12,000 women had the genital rejuvenation procedure in 2016; data from 2017 is expected to be even higher. Get the answers to all of your labiaplasty questions, and find out if the technique could be right for you, by scheduling a consultation appointment at Vitenas Cosmetic Surgery. Call our office at (281) 606-0007 for more details.