Bring Back the Romance this Valentine’s Day with a Vaginoplasty
After years of marriage, and having several children, “Jane” and “Jack” were finding it difficult to keep the enthusiasm for intimacy alive. Many married couples experience this. Not only is time alone a precious commodity, but physical changes can also zap the enjoyment out of intimacy. Well, in anticipation of Valentine’s Day, Jane decided to take action, and bring back the sexual pleasure with a Vaginoplasty.
Although it is not often talked about, the vaginal walls and muscles are known to change over time. Childbirth, hormonal changes, and the aging process will slowly decrease tone, leaving muscles loose and stretched. As the tissues give, physical sensations for both partners will decrease during sex. When you combine this lack of feeling with years of time constraints and repetitiveness, intimacy can move to the back burner.
Fortunately, over the last several years there has been a steady rise in the number of Vaginoplasties performed. Coverage on television and in magazines have raised awareness among women, and sparked important conversations about the once taboo topic. The concept of a ‘designer vagina’ is misleading, as the procedure is not strictly based on vanity. On the contrary, a Vaginoplasty can be a life changing procedure, offering renewed sexual pleasure for both partners. This procedure can mark a new era of sexual confidence and freedom.
Jane’s Vaginoplasty took about an hour, under local anesthesia with sedation, and she was home that same afternoon. While she was a little sore, Jane was only away from work for three days. The couple was patient during the six week healing process, but once it was time, the fireworks began. Jane was stunned and amazed; she had not felt that tightness and enjoyment since her early 20s, before her children were born. Jack was even happier with the changes. Not only did the Vaginoplasty bring pleasure back to the bedroom, but their romance also began to bloom all day long.
Schedule your Vaginoplasty consultation with Dr. Vitenas today. He can explain your surgical options for Vaginal Rejuvenation, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Call our office at (281) 606-0007, or fill out our online consultation form, to arrange the first appointment.